Thursday, March 22, 2012

我新官上任 :) 可是图书馆有怪咖 :X

如常地, 高中学生是做委员的~
我初一到初三都没有职位, 只是个芝麻酱小的普通团员~

今年高一了, 我当上文书已经3个月了~
但今天我正式升为副团长啦 :)

说真的, 我初一初二的图书馆生活是非常好玩的!!

我初一时的团长: 梁家伟, 为人超级friendly的!! 集训的时候不知几好玩 :)
我初二时的团长: 李子晴, 我从初一时就对她印象深刻, 也是一个非常nice, 好玩的人 :D
我初三时的团长: 何淑薇, 我个人跟她不是很好聊, 但是今年她是我们的顾问 :)

现在我高一了, 团长是我初一到高一都同班的李佩诗 :P
我还是文书的时候, 因为第一次当, 所以不大懂文书的工作, 有几次文书的工作都是佩诗帮我做的 ><"

还有图书馆助理林伊婷老师 :)
我去年不怎么喜欢她, 可是经过今年的相处后, 我才明白'人不可貌相', 虽然她每次骂人, 但是她也有nice的一面 :目

那个C的人, 哼, 提起就火大!!

C是今年才来的代主任 ==
这个人哦, 她第一天来ECA的时候, 我们就觉得她怪怪的...这是无法否认的事实...

她第一次ECA的时候一直重复又重复地说: "啊同学们, 你们不要以为我是菜鸟啊, 我带这个社团已经有十多年了, 你们不要以为我没有经验啊, 我是大学图书管理系毕业的蛤~"
我活了16年, 这可是我第一次听过有图书管理系这东东~讲难听点的话, 不就是她读书不厉害, 所以勉强读这科咯~
如果她跟我讲这是她的兴趣的话, 我胆敢砍我的头下来给她坐!!

样子, 衣着, 态度, 性格, 脾气都是怪怪的:S

听说晚上有得睡觉不睡觉, 三更半夜去图书馆开灯, 不知道做什么, 结果隔一天早上在图书馆tidur~

宿舍生~晚上小心, 不要遇到她呃 XD

话又说回来, 这个C整天乱骂人!!
你骂在别人身上的东西, 其实就是你没有尽责的东西!!

你呢?? 什么都没有做过~
还好意思骂人家: "你可以关心图书馆吗?!!"
我送你一个字啦: 凸!!!

你想一想, 问看你自己啦, 你几时关心过图书馆??!!!!
财政说得对啊, 他说: "你就是菜鸟!!"

好像昨天, 因为政府官员今天要来探访学校, 所以全部团体学会的会员都各自出来帮自己的团体学会大扫除和布置...
你一声都没有通知, 害到助理老师中骂, 她只好私底下叫我们委员出来帮忙大扫除...
你没有看到我们昨天花了3节时间出来, 就是为了要帮你收拾首尾!!

听到这边我们个个委员都火 :@!!

噗!! 笑到我们快癫了!!!
那是什么东西啊?? 是垃圾吧??

我是因为替图书馆助理, 团长和委员们看不过眼, 我才写出来罢了~
她们被你骂了多少次, 无辜了多少次, 你懂吗??
你说团长没有关心过图书馆, 难道你有??!!!
像佩诗说的: "我敢保证, 她连我叫什么名都讲不出"

跟校长投诉, 已经第二次投诉了, 结果??
助理老师和团长为图书馆做了多少事, 相信你一定不知道...
可是我们委员看得出, 看得出团长为了图书馆皱了多久的眉头, 有了多大压力...

拜托!! 请你来是工作的, 不是来睡觉的!! 你有薪水的啊!!
团长只是个学生, 她是来读书, 不是来帮你收拾首尾哒!! 她做了酱多事, 是没有钱拿的啊!!

我真的日日夜夜求神拜佛, 希望你离开, 有多远走多远, 不要留在这边让我们受苦!!

老实说, 就算图书馆没有你, 我们也可以做到很好~

可是至少我有份帮忙过, 关心过图书馆...
我自己的本份, 我做得比你还要好!!

每次佩诗跟我讲图书馆的事的时候, 她都是苦着脸的!!
身为朋友的, 看了也不好受...
每次ECA都一定要骂人, 骂了又不听~
老师不尽责, 团员不听话, 当团长可不是容易的事...

我会尽量帮忙, 减轻团长的负担...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tetris Battle & Dragonvale for 11 hours!!

Yesterday was boring, me and my sisters were staying at home, nothing to do :\

Then Nicole and Natalie took the laptops out and started playing Tetris.
I asked them if Tetris was that fun, they said YESSS!! So i tried playing with it.

Firstly when i just started playing i was slowwwww like snail -.-
They were shouting and teaching me like "RIGHT!! LEFT LEFT LEFT!! UP!! FASTER UP!! SPACEBAR!! SHIFT!! THIS ONE DONT WANT!! FASTER FASTER!! UP UP UP!! RIGHT!! SPACEBAR!! 快点啦你!! 你的手指很像老人啊!!" ==
See, this is the way they teach me -.-

I kept on losing and my ranks were going down and down, then they helped me in playing it until rank 5 >< Today i woke up at 9am, everybody woke up jor!! -.- i slept well because i used foot patches AGAIN :D

After bathing, i took my laptop, charger, ipod and phone downstairs. I played with my ipod first, i went Facebook and Dragonvale, but then suddenly my ipod sot liao!! I tried to switch it off, then when i turned it on again, the screen stayed at the apple logo for like 3 hours!!
I panicked then i text Caryn because my Dragonvale reached level 11 already, i dont want to restart!! So Caryn called me, i told her about the ipod and she talked about the sleepover at her house~

Due to the temporary-death of my ipod, i stopped Dragonvale and played Tetrissss~im kinda addicted to it, although i lost more than winning~

I started playing Tetris from 11am till now, 10pm ><
Woohoo!! Gonna continue tomorrow XD

At 2pm something, my ipod came alive!!! AHHHHH SO HAPPYYYY!!! So i sambil play Tetris sambil play Dragonvale :D
I think i overused the ipod already, thats why it was kinda spoiled ><"

My arm was numb for many times and my right hand kept on having cramps >< i need exercise!! Like for the whole body, not hands only :目

My achievements today: Tetris-->rank 9
Dragonvale-->level 11



both of them playing tetris ==

Nicole: "see, like this"
Me: *zi pai*


sunday: level 10

today: level 11

my favourite dragins!! they earn the most for me!! :D

good morninggg~
*Lilo's licking my foot ><*

foot patchessss :3

good night :D
*same clothes and pants as yesterday >< dirty XD*

Sunday, March 11, 2012

BigBang Season!!

Oh yeah, it's Bigbang's comeback with their new album 'Alive' :D

There're 2 new songs that im addicted to ><


Listen to these songs, i bet you'll get addicted!!! XD












T.O.P is my favouriteeeeee!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hmmm :\

Today morning, i woke up at 9am and when i looked at the phone, 10+ missed calls and 7 messages @@

I knew where they went last night and i was supposed to be there too, but i didnt go and LUCKILY I WASNT THERE @@

My predictions were absolutely correct, they surely wont go for dinner only, i knew they'll go somewhere else after dinner -.-

Long story, i dont want to say, its kinda private and ermm serious??

Well now i dont know who's telling the truth, him or her?? CONFUSEDDDD :\

10/3/2012 a busy day!!

Everyone in the house woke up at 8am and we're off to the Bercham market at 9am :) i was kinda excited because i never went there for a long long long time jor >< people might think im sot to be so excited :P

The purpose to go to the market: BUY INGREDIENTS FOR PORRIDGE :D
Mum's porridge is the tastiest because theres carrot, potato, salted egg, preserved egg, seaweed, squid strips, dried scallop and fried onions!! Oohhh!!! My mouth's dripping now ><

After buying the ingredient's, we went to 林茶室 to have our breakfast :) then we balik rumah at 11am~ Nicole and Natalie were having their Tetris Battle while i was nailpolishing :目

In the afternoon, we went to a malay's wedding lunch~as you know, malay people live in kampungs and their houses are veryyyyyy hard to find :X we turned around and around at the same road for 5-7 times, then we finally found the house == and i dont know why malays in the same kampung like to get married ON THE SAME DAY -.-
Well theres nothing much to eat there, all beef, only one dish was chicken :S our family cant eat beef though :\

Then it's time to fetch Nicole and Natalie to their ballet centre to prepare for their performance at Syuen hotel for a wedding dinner~they went there early to make up and rehearsal~

And then me and my parents went to the depot or something to see hows my mum's Waja~the car was originally blue-ish, my mum wants it to be crystal white, so the car will be sprayed for the new colour for about 1-2 months (because its raining these days) thats why we're riding my grandpa's old gold benz to school~
Im quite interested in the colour spraying thing, my dad asked me to work and learn there >< there're 4 old uncles there, we call them sifu XD and i asked my dad what courses are need to be taken for that job, he said thats mechanical engineering and repairing worr :| hmmm...nope, i dont like mechanical~

We went to the sanitarium to visit my ah ma~wow, she looks so fat jor @@ because of the hormone injections she took~
My parents then went to a temple to ask for my ah ma's situation and for our family peace too~i dont know if foreigners believe or not, but we chinese people believe in god and we pray them and there's something called 'ask god'?? It means the god will replace a human's soul and you asked him/her about your problem, they'll answer you and they know the whole story!! @@

Finally we went home and it's 5pm jorrrr :S
3 of us bathe and rested at home until 7pm, then we went to the sanitarium to give ah ma some 'god water' and things that we brought from the temple~every evening at 7.30pm my uncle and aunty will come over and give ah ma the hormone injections~we they talked for a while then my parents and i went to Syuen hotel to fetch my sisters~

When we went for dinner, the people were looking at both of them because they were having blue eyeshadows with glitter and lipstick on >< 9pm jor, we went home~

I used foot patches for my feet at night because they make me sleep well :)
When i was about to sleep, Yong called me and told me something and i was like 'oh' 'ok' 'then' 'en', her side was very noisy then she hanged up her phone~i didnt care much because i was veryyyy sleepy, so i slept~


off to the pasar!!

dad sticking back the wood to the wall

go malay's wedding lurr :)

amalay dinner called tapai, it's veryyyy sweet and theres some rice wine inside

after the wedding lunch, phewww, the weather's sooo hot

apa buat ni?? == Natalie cleaning the car windows at the petrol station

wrap the windows, wrap the tyres, WRAP WRAP WRAP, then PSSSSSSSSSSS~

i always observe this big bungalo near the sanitarium o.O *envy*

hormone injections for ah ma, thats why she's fat now

the temple at tambun

good evening :)

random photo, me and my sisters are monkey loverssss
the doll at the left hand side, THATS MINE!! :D
hehehe what a rare chance to see me wearing spectacles ><

at last...GOOD NIGHT WORLD :)