I woke up at 10am and started to get myself ready before 11.30am.
Because we're having an outing! :D
Last night Sandra asked me if i wanna hang out or not, so i said YES.
And she said she'll fetch me at 11.30am.
So i was ready and waiting patiently for Sandra to come and fetch me.
Tapi suddenly Sandra called me and she told me that Eros wasnt awake YET! ==
She called him, Line him, but he didnt reply,
So she asked me to wake him up.
First, i called Eros, his phone was off.
Then, i texted his mum and asked aunty to wake him up, but his mum didnt reply.
After that, i called Euri's phone, the number was unavailable.
So, i called Yana's phone, Euri picked up my call but he didnt talk!
At last...i called Eros again+spam him on Line+wake him up by threatening him on facebook.
Finally *i thought :)*
What the heck -.-
About 12pm, Eros FINALLY called me with his house phone.
He slept at 3am, thats why he couldnt wake up ==!
I told him me and Sandra were going to fetch him and asked him to get ready.
12.30pm Sandra came and fetched him, then we headed to Eros's house to fetch him.
On the way, Eros suddenly called me.
And our conversation really made me bek chekkk because it wasnt any important thing ==
E: hello?
N: ya?
E: what should i wear? slippers or sneakers?
N: whatever laa, sneakers laa
E: huh...but my sneakers high cut de leh, very mafan when i take off
N: then wear slippers lohh
E: huh...but i scare mu feet will be freezed lehh
N: then wear sneakers lohh!
E: but very hard to take off lehh
N: *bek chek already* aiya whatever laa, wear sneakers laa!
E: haha okok
We fetched Eros and then we went to Daorae :D
Me, Sandra, Eros, MingYee and Jennifer, 5 of us started to eat our brunch~
My favourite dishes: 辣炒年糕 & 炒冬粉!
Muahaha must eat everytime we go Daorae :D
Sandra had a good news while we're eating, she was in for semi-finals for her something lyrics competition :)
Therefore...we ordered soju!
Alcohol percentage --> 19+%
Eros loves soju, he always wanted to drink it ><
For me, soju tastes like nail polish remover @@
But i still like it :P
When we're drinking soju and laughing and chatting,
Suddenly a tall guy came to us...
Guy: you drink soju?
Us: ya Guy: nice? Us: yes
Guy: wow, you guys are *thumbs up*
Us: *laugh*
That guy went away and we were like SHOCKED!
Then only we knew that he's the boss of Daorae!
That tall, humorous stranger was the boss ><!
He's a korean :D
He was then 'playing' with us XD
He covered his eyes with his hands and acted like he didnt see us drink soju ><
Oh my god! Damn funny that scene!
We asked him if we could take photo with him, he answered with a big smile "YES OF COURSE, COME COME COME"
Then the worker there helped us with the photo taking. Im not sure what the worker said, but i heard him saying "1, 2, GUCHI!" then capture~
Lol ><! We said KAMSAHAMNIDA to the boss after taking photo XD
The bill was RM549+
After paying, we wanted to leave but then the boss came to us again.
He asked us where's the other bottle of soju
*We ordered 2 bottles but only finished 1, so the other bottle Eros kept it in his Metoo bag*
Eros took the soju out then the boss pour it into the little glass,
And then he took out a big bottle of raspberry juice or essence or i dont know what is it called.
He pour the raspberry thing into the glass of soju and stirred it.
Then he asked us to try the taste.
Hmmm...not bad! Tasted sweeter and not so 'throat-burning'
He told us in korea, girls like to drink soju like that, cause it tastes nicer and softer for girls :)
Haha, thanks for the recommendation :D
We left Daorae and said thank you.
While we're wearing our shoes, the boss came to us AGAIN ><
He took out the soju from Eros's bag and we're shocked @@
He said he had something important to tell us.
Actually he just wanted to tell us that we put the soju in a wrong way.
He said soju needs to be kept in cool places, if you put in the bag, it'll make it warm and the alcohol will decrease
So he told us to put the bottle upside down, so that the alcohol wont escape even in the warm bag.
We were like "WOW! HE'S SO SMART!"
Haha ><!!!
Then Eros chatted with the boss in korean ><
He asked the boss if he got a wife or not, he said "ahh...i dont have a wife...you introduce girls for me laa"
Lol! He's so funny and friendly! :D
I think the boss likes us :P
Because he only talked to us but not to the other customers ><
After we left Daorae, we crossed the road and went to Jusco~
We went to kbox, but not MingYee and Jennifer, they went shopping~
As usual, Eros and Sandra sing, i watch :3
About 4.30pm, we left kbox and shopped in Guardian.
We spent RM490+ there x.x
Sandra's cosmetics hen expensive arhhhh!
Eros got himself Oxy and Biore~
I got a MyBeautifulDiary cleanser and sleeping mask and also some nail polish~
Then to the Popular, Sandra bought her novel and we saw Benjoi there!
Hehe he was paktor-ing there :P
Sandra went home at 5pm~ So me and Eros walk around~
We first went to S&J then we met Euri, Yana, Demi and Isabelle! *we thought they went AEON ><*
Then we went Watson, Black Queen and Sasa! We also walked around in Jusco and 'visited' my bag ><
I was tired of walking, so i asked Eros to walk to the carpet area to have a sit.
We were sitting on the bench and 'investigating' what Sandra bought that costed her RM4++
We opened the cleanser, sleeping mask, and found some free lotion or cream for PREGNANT LADIES ==
And we found the most expensive thing!
A superliner which costed RM59 -.-
I have no idea whys that eyeliner so expensive and whats so special of it lorrr -.-
Almost 5.30pm, my mum came and fetched us~
Since my sister's ballet center was near to Eros's house, so my mum fetched him home, then only she fetched my sister~
Thats all for today :)
Hees :D
A wonderful hang out before school opens :3
Anyway, im worried about my holiday homeworks now :\
I havent even touch them since the first day of holiday @@